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The speed of growth in the podcast sector has been spectacular and indicative of a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. 53% of marketers claim podcasts to be the most effective communication format. They recognise the value of podcasting to reach and maintain a highly valued and genuinely authentic interaction with their key target audiences. The challenge however is knowing how the medium can achieve the greatest impact in a corporate setting and where to best focus their company time, effort, and resources for maximum ROI.  What should good look like? And why will your most desirable target audiences want to listen and then actively share the content?  Many organisations are still finding their feet with podcasting in what is a fast-changing sector. They are also balancing conflicting priorities of purpose, ambition, and execution of this still relatively new medium.  
Our company, Brand Conversation, has since 2013 worked exclusively with large organisations at C-suite level producing B2B podcast strategies. It's a specialisation that we’re proud of and one that makes our offering particularly relevant to businesses needing to grasp the full potential available to them from this unique communication channel. Our consultancy work is backed by first-hand and comprehensive experience of the strategies that work, along with those that don't, to therefore be confident in recommending suitably appropriate and sustainable development plans. 

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Reg No. 8340487

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